In order to get a loan you need to have approved credit. Today I walked into the bank to try my luck at receiving a loan for a new car. Upon my entering of the bank manager’s office I was greeted and immediately discouraged upon my request. I was told that I would most likely need a cosigner. A cosigner is not hard to come by, but it is a major inconvenience for anyone trying to be independent. I live on my own, and pay all my own bills. I am a responsible and hard working twenty year old. All of this apparently adds up to nothing in the eyes of the bank, who is “here to loan”, just not to me. Since my engine in my Camaro has blown, I have to borrow my uncle’s truck until I find something else. The fact that I cannot get a loan on my own for a car, is hindering me from getting to school and going to work. This jeopardizes the responsible, bill paying me I wrote of earlier. On top of all of this, the bank manager had to rush through the explanation of what I needed to do because he had to get home. Congress has bailed out these banks, who aren’t giving responsible young people loans they need, without cosigners. If the youth is the future, cut them some slack and give them a chance. It’s the old rich business people who spent beyond their means and put the economy in shambles. All I ask for is a reasonable payment plan so I can continue to live within mine.